Halle Berry Shares a Photo of Her Abs and We’re All Jealous

Shelia Huggins
2 min readDec 7, 2019
Image by Halle Berry from Instagram

Halle Berry just ab-shamed us.

It’s not that she intended to ab-shame us. It’s just that most of us know we can do better. Even if we’re not seeking competition-level abs, we know that our abs are part of the core of our body that gives us strength. Just about everything we do, from sleeping to sitting to walking…involves our core.

But if you’ve been under a rock and don’t know who Halle Berry is. Here’s the abbreviated version. She’s an American actress, the mother of two children, and an Academy Award winner for Best Actress with over thirty films to her credit. She has Type 1- diabetes and has spoken about her health challenges.

Although her Instagram account contains numerous photos of her working out, it’s been a while since her abs have been on display for the world.


Image by Halle Berry on Instagram

In her Instagram post, she states, “There’s no better feeling than setting a goal and smashing it.” Then she reminds us of how to get there.

  1. Set your bar.
  2. Share your goal.
  3. Hold yourself to it.
  4. Have an accountability partner.

The steps are simple. The work is hard. The key is to keep going and never give up. Kudos to Halle Berry for setting and reaching her fitness goal.

What’s your fitness goal?

This article was originally published on whatamovement.com. Check the website for more health and fitness articles.

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